E61: The Secret to Success

The final part of our three-episode series on an adventure to discovering the source of the claim that 70% of change management efforts fail.

Missed part 1? Check it out here:

Part 2?  Check it out here

Picking up where we left off last week, I’m continuing my quest to find the origin of the claim that 70% of transformations fail.

I ordered the follow-up to Hammer and Champy’s Reengingeering the Corporation, titled The Reengineering Revolution and find, that they’re not all that pleased with how this bogus claim has taken on a life of it’s own!

But what are we measuring anyways?  How we determine success or failure has to do with what we’re calling success or failure in the first place.

I tell a great client story, one of my favourites that really illustrates by point. By all definitions in the business case, (time, objectives, adoption, cost savings) we failed spectacularly, but… this was one of the most successful transformations I ever led.

How can this be true? Well, you’ve got to listen in to find out!


You can listen to all our episodes here:


Fully captioned videos are available on YouTube


E62: A little about me


E60: Eureka! I found it