E72: Adapting Your Facilitation Approach

The one thing that people don’t think about when they are trying to facilitate change in virtual and hybrid environments is:  are you showing up with the right energy?

What does this even mean?  Well, we need to be thinking about how we are speaking, presenting and coming across when facilitating virtually. 

It’s very different from being in-person in front of a group of people. Thinking about your role as a facilitator is more critical in the virtual environment.  You need to be thinking about bringing the energy of a performance! You’re a performer on a stage, and we all know that the best performers out there, who get the most from their audiences are high- energy. 

In hybrid and virtual environments, people are physically disconnected from each other, and this changes the energy of the space. 

You also need to be paying close attention to your audio and video presentation and set up- I share my top tips on managing this!

PS. I'm giving away my free guide on how to lead successful facilitations in hybrid and virtual environments in this month's newsletter. Want a copy?  Sign up here.

Blog Post mentioned: Facilitating successful change in hybrid and virtual environments

Cassandra Worthy’s TEDx video: What if?

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E73: We are still change experts


E71: Choose your tools wisely