S1: E23: For the Newbies: Knowing Me, Knowing You
Originally Published on 6/21/2022
Are you a new Change Manager? Have you just been handed a big change project and don't know where to start?
This is our final episode in a 4 episode series on my expert advice to Change Managers just starting out and how to set yourself up for success! Go back and check out all of the “For the Newbies” podcasts to catch up.
In this episode we talk about what change managers don’t want to talk about.
Change can be an incredible, transformative experience but it can also be exhausting and draining. Change brings up difficult emotions and it is difficult as a change manager to navigate a storm of emotions in the organizations we are trying to help.
I’m often called in by the organizations that are struggling with change. This means that the emotional stakes are higher, as is the level of difficulty.
Listen to learn about the foundational practices that every change manager needs to start doing to be the best possible leader during time of change.
Did you guess the band that I named this series after? If you guessed ABBA you got it right! They are a favourite group of mine, and are a great example of how a class act can embrace change while staying true to their roots.
Fully captioned videos are available on YouTube